Friday, April 29, 2011


This is Curacao the hidden treasure of the Caribbean. Blue skies, blue sea, white sand but extremely hot. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Boyz

The boyz are all grown up and looking forward to having fun this summer. All they want to do now is to go outside.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Arrey's Birthday at Home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We decided to do something different for Arrey's Birthday and it turned out so well.Who could resist the delicious food and beautiful woman who caretered to all their needs.
Forty is the new Thirty. Arrey continue changing the world one day at a time. That is your passion and your family knows that. We Love you Dearly.
 Auntie Marylyn as always Thank You so much for all your support and creative ideas. The boyz had  so much fun, they all went to bed very late.
We had so much fun last night despite the rains and storms that closed down Lambert St. Louis airport today. Thank God there were no casualties, only property loss for people around the airport.