Friday, June 12, 2009

At JCI Headquarters with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

Just some perks of living here in St. Louis. You get to meet the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Thanks to my Darling husband for this opportunity. If you are considering moving to St. Louis, don't give it second thoughts just come. We are connected here!!!!!!!!!

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon delivery his speech. Very inspiring. Lets all help to achieve UN Millenium Development goals. We can do that by joining some non for profit organization.
Ban Ki-Moon waving at me..

With JCI headquarters staff members

The Motorcade. Security was tight.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some Fun Stuff

Some fun stuff about Asher:
Asher can Say bah bah. I will be posting a video soon.
Uses keys to try and open the door
Climbs the stairs
Turns the TV off and On -- since 9 and half months old
Says Mama, Dada
Points to things he wants
Says bar for Barney

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Son - 5/30/09

Last year, May 30th seemed like eternity. Your due date came, we could not wait to finally meet you. And now, we've just had the best year of our lives and we can barely even remember that wait.

You bring us so much joy and we've experienced the greatest love ever, a love that grows stronger and stronger every day. Your Papa travels alot, he misses you more on his trips, hence the calls to hear your voice. You are our pride, our joy, our love. The world is yours. We cherish the memories and love you've given us and we eagerly anticipate all the joyous moments that await. Happy first Birthday, Asher!